One on One Personal Money Mentor

Seek peace and harmony in your relationship with money.

Therapist writing notes during session

Join Susannah in personal one on one mentoring to explore your relationship with money. Identify your money story; everyone has one. Unpack the internal messages that make up that story and further impact your beliefs and behaviors surrounding money. Explore, identify, and commit to your values. Create financial goals to empower you to live your life according to those identified values. Learn the foundational financial skills to honor your money. Put money to work in your life to celebrate your values.

Explore Your Relationship with Money
Six 120-Minute Sessions for $1,500

For individuals or couples. Explore your meaning of money, your money story, and your money messages. Reframe the role that you want money to play in your life. Identify your values and explore how money can celebrate those values.

Gain Money Competence
Six 120-Minute Sessions for $1,500

For individuals or couples. Gain financial literacy and skills. Learn to track, budget, and respect your money. Identify your financial goals and the resources needed to achieve those goals and support your financial journey.

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“Personal finance is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge.”

“Personal finance is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge.”
