A group focusing on your relationship with yourself.
Your relationship with Money hinges on your Relationship with Yourself! (Read That Again!)
It is impossible to build wealth upon a faulty foundation with holes and crevices in the form of self-doubt, limiting self-beliefs, lacking self-esteem, and lacking self-worth.
Come join a group of self-actualizing women as we discuss topics related to positive self-talk, establishing and maintaining boundaries, communication, relationships, family, careers, and money.
Accept the challenge to celebrate the smallest wins in your life! Celebrate yourself and enjoy new heart-based relationships with a group of courageous, whole-hearted, humorous, and compassionate women.
The group meets bi-weekly on Fridays from 9:00 – 10:30 AM and rotates between meeting in person and on Zoom according to group member preference. We are currently accepting new members. The cost is $75 per session/$150 per month.
Schedule a 30 minute exploratory phone call with Susannah Kavanaugh to identify if you are a fit for the group and if the group is a fit for you.